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Bibliography in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

We've moved permanently!

The Higher Education Training and Development Unit which was part of the University Teaching and Learning Portfolio has been reconfigured and effective January 1, 2018, its staff has been integrated in the School of Education in the Cluster of Education and Development Studies.

An ongoing developing resource

Ambrose, S (2010) How learning works: seven research-based principles for smart teaching San Francisco: Jossey Bass

Bamber, V (2009) Enhancing learning, teaching, assessment and curriculum in higher education: theory, cases, practices Maidenhead: SRHE & Open University.

Coleman, J & Klapper, J (2005) Effective learning and teaching in modern languages. London: Routledge.

Entwistle, N (2009) Teaching for understanding at university: deep approaches and distinctive ways of thinking Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.

Exley, K & Dennick, R (2004) Small group teaching: tutorials, seminars and beyond London: RoutledgeFalmer

Fry, H, Ketteridge, S and Marshall, S (2009) A handbook for teaching and learning in higher education New York: Routledge

Gabriel, K (2008) Teaching unprepared students: strategies for promoting success and retentio in higher education Sterling: Stylus press

Geyser, H (2003) Teaching and learning in higher education. Cape Town van Shaik

Healey, M, Pawon, E, Solem (2010) Active learning and student engagement: international perspectives and practices in geography in higher education London: Routledge

Hertel, J & Mills, B (2002) Using simulations to promote learning in higher education: an introduction Sterling: Stylus

Irons, kA & Alexander, S (2004) Effective learning and teaching in computing London: RoutledgeFalmer

Kahn, P, & Walsh, L (2006) Developing your teaching: ideas, insight and action London: Routledge

Makoni, S (2000) (ed) Improving teaching and learning in higher education: a handbook for Southern Africa Johannesburg: Wits Univ press.

McLoughlin, C& Taji, A (2005) Teaching in the sciences: learner-centred approaches Binghamton: Food products press

Nilson, L (2010) Teaching at its best: a research-based resource for college instructors San Francisco: Jossey Bass

Ramsden, P (2003) Learning to teach in Higher education London: RoutledgeFalmer

Stanley, C, & porter, M (2002) Engaging large classes: strategies and techniques for college faculty Bolton: Anker

Tennent, K, McMullen, & Kaczynski, D (2010) Teaching. learning, and research in higher education: a critical approach. New York Routledge


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