Higher Education Studies promotes the field of Higher Education in all its facets and forms, as an area of scholarship and praxis, through a commitment to collegiality, academic freedom, agency, collaboration and equity as the basis for excellence.
Mission Statement:
In developing Higher Education as a field of study and scholarship, Higher Education Studies is committed to excellence in all aspects, and across all levels and forms of the sector. Through national, regional, institutional and individual collaboration and networking it will provide a conducive and stimulating environment for developing and supporting research-bsed professional practice in areas such as curriculum design and development, professional development, teaching and learning, student experience, student affairs, policy development, assessment, quality and excellence, leadership and management, organizational development and systems in Higher Education. Staff development and capacity building through both formal and informal processes are seen as key activities fostering reflective research based practice, rather than simply technical inputs and assistance.
Institutionally Higher Education Studies is part of the School of Education, which is its academic home. Here it offers a range of courses, and presents research. However, it also collaborates closely with the University Teaching and Learning Office, as part of the Higher Education Training and Development group offering induction programmes and short courses. This is an interesting and creative overlap, which promises many exciting possibilities.