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Bibliography for Higher Education Curriculum

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The Higher Education Training and Development Unit which was part of the University Teaching and Learning Portfolio has been reconfigured and effective January 1, 2018, its staff has been integrated in the School of Education in the Cluster of Education and Development Studies.

Barnett, R (2009)  Knowing and Becoming in the Higher Education Curriculum  Studies in Higher Education 34 (4) 429-440
English, F (2000) Deciding What to Teach and Test: developing aligning and auditing the curriculum Thousand Oaks California: Corwin Press.  
Ensor, P (2011) The impact of globalisation on higher education curriculum reform: literature review http://docs.glotta.ntua.gr/International/WTO/Ensor_20Review.doc 
Erikson, H  (2002) Concept Based Curriculum and Instruction: teaching beyond the facts Thousand Oaks California: Corwin Press.
Karseth, B  (2006)  Curriculum restructuring in Higher Education after the Bologna process: a new pedagogic regime?  Revista EspaƱola de EducaciĆ³n Comparada,  12 (2006), 255-284
Lattuca, L & Stark, J (2009)  Shaping the College Curriculum: academic plans in context. San Francisco: John Wiley.
Marsh, C (2009) Key Concepts for Understanding Curriculum Oxon: Routledge
Marsh, C & Willis, G (1995) Curriculum: Alternative Approaches Ongoing issues (3rd edn). Upper Saddle River NJ: Merill/Prentice Hall
Pinar, W, Reynolds, W, Slatterly, P, Taubman, P (1995) Understanding Curriculum New York: Peter Lang.
Rudebjer, P, Schagen, B, Chakaredza, S, Njoroge, K, Kamau, H, & Baena, M  (2011) Teaching Biodiversity: a curriculum guide for higher education  Rome: Biodiversity International Rome
Shay, S (2009)  Curriculum Formation: A case study from History  (http://www.soozicle.com/karlmaton/pdf/UCTSHAY.pdf)

Slatterly, P ( 2006)  Curriculum Development in the Postmodern Era  London: Routledge

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